Home Diet Blueberry Apple Crisp | Kara Lydon

Blueberry Apple Crisp | Kara Lydon

Blueberry Apple Crisp | Kara Lydon


The very best summer time and fall dessert, this blueberry apple crisp is made with contemporary fruit and a crispy, buttery oat brown sugar topping. Serve heat with vanilla ice cream for without equal deal with!Two plates of blueberry apple crisp served with vanilla ice cream next to baking dish with crisp

You Gotta Make This!

Is there a greater odor popping out of the oven than an apple crisp?! If I had the time I might bake one each day only for that 🙂

I do know we’re now not formally in apple crisp season (fall) simply but BUT pay attention me out, pal.

What if we mixed a summer time fruit with apples and ate it at the moment?! I do know, I’m feeling a little bit wild right here.

Have you ever ever thought to be a blueberry and apple combo? It’s in truth probably the most scrumptious marvel. Two end result in a single crisp in reality is helping to deepen the flavour. And that GORGEOUS blue colour from the blueberries! I will’t get sufficient.

This recipe combines tart apples with candy blueberries and an impossible to resist oat topping that provides the very best quantity of gooey crunchy sweetness. When it’s crisp and effervescent (and filling your kitchen with the most efficient aroma), serve heat with vanilla ice cream (is there every other option to devour it?!) and experience.

Convey this crisp in your 4th of July birthday celebration, in your subsequent summer time potluck, or your exertions day celebration, and it’s sure to be a success.

Or, in case you’re like me, you want to simply make it for your self (and your circle of relatives in fact ;)) and devour it for dessert…and why now not for breakfast too. I in fact in reality love serving fruit crisp over a bowl of undeniable Greek yogurt for breakfast. YUM.

Components You’ll Want

Graphic of ingredients for blueberry apple crisp on marble surface with black text overlay.

Notes on Components

blueberries: I exploit contemporary however frozen may just additionally paintings. 

apples: I in finding that the most efficient apples for baking are Golden Scrumptious, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, McIntosh, and Fuji. Those sorts have a tendency to carry up smartly underneath cooking temperatures. You should definitely minimize them into small items in order that they prepare dinner thru smartly.

sugar: provides an additional contact of sweetness to the fruit aggregate.

cornstarch: used to thicken the fruit aggregate.

lemon juice: prevents the apples from turning brown and is helping to stability out the beauty.

vanilla: for sweetness and a taste spice up.

cinnamon: provides a heat comfy taste. One of the essential spices in baking! 

rolled oats: if you wish to make this recipe gluten-free, remember to use qualified gluten-free rolled oats. Rolled oats give you the highest texture so I like to recommend opting for out of date or fast oats over metal minimize.

flour: I exploit all-purpose flour however you’ll be able to change for any kind like all-purpose 1:1 gluten-free, white whole-wheat flour, and so forth. 

brown sugar: provides a wealthy, mellow, somewhat caramel-y taste to the oat topping.

salt: taste enhancer!

butter: blends all the oat topping substances in combination to shape that crumbly consistency.

The Vitamin Scoop

Blueberries are a just right supply of fiber, diet C, diet Okay, manganese, and potassium. They’ve prime ranges of antioxidants, extra in particular anthocyanins, letting them help in immune give a boost to and frame cellular functioning. 

Blueberries have additionally been discovered to reinforce center well being via decreasing general and LDL ldl cholesterol in addition to blood force, and would possibly play a job in cognition and mind serve as.

Apples comprise soluble fiber, potassium, diet C and antioxidants, and would possibly offer protection to in opposition to kind II diabetes via helping in blood sugar regulate.

Apparatus You’ll Want (associate hyperlinks – if you’re making a purchase order I obtain a small fee)

Blending Bowl

Baking Dish

Make Blueberry Apple Crisp

Step by step graphic of how to make blueberry apple crisp.

  1. Get ready baking dish. Preheat oven to 350 levels F and grease a 9Ă—9 or 11Ă—7 baking dish.
  2. Mix fruit aggregate. Upload blueberries, apples, sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice, vanilla and cinnamon to a big blending bowl and stir to mix.
  3. Make oat topping. Stir in combination oats, flour, brown sugar and salt in a medium blending bowl. Drizzle in melted butter and stir to mix.
  4. Upload to baking dish. Pour fruit aggregate into baking dish and upload the oat topping flippantly on most sensible, leaving massive clumps intact.
  5. Bake! Bake till the fruit juices are effervescent and the topping is golden and company to touch, about 45-55 mins.

Pointers from the professional (that’s me!)

  1. The most productive apple sorts for crisps grasp up smartly and stay their construction underneath warmth. A few of my favorites to bake with are: Golden Scrumptious, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, McIntosh, and Fuji.
  2. Double the topping recipe and save part within the freezer for as much as 3 months for the following crisp you’re making!
  3. Serve heat with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or crème fraîche. OR serve over a bowl of yogurt within the morning for a scrumptious breakfast!
  4. Melting the butter for the oat topping is far more straightforward than seeking to minimize chilly butter into the oat aggregate.

Plate of blueberry apple crisp with scoop of vanilla ice cream beside kitchen towel and bowl of blueberries

Garage and Preparation

Leftovers will also be saved at room temperature for as much as 24 hours and in an hermetic container within the fridge for as much as 4-5 days. To reheat, pop it within the oven at 350 levels F for roughly 20 mins or position it within the microwave for roughly 30 seconds.

Make a double batch of crisp topping and save in an hermetic container or bag within the freezer for as much as 3 months!

You’ll be able to freeze crisp too! Retailer in an hermetic container for as much as 3 months. Let thaw within the fridge in a single day and reheat within the oven or microwave.

Recipes That Pair Neatly

Coconut Milk Strawberry Ice Cream

Dairy-Unfastened Coconut Whipped Cream

Coconut Milk Vietnamese Iced Espresso Ice Cream

White speckled plate with blueberry apple crisp and scoop of vanilla ice cream.

For extra fruity dessert inspiration, take a look at my different recipes beneath! 

Strawberry Rhubarb Galette 

Vegan Berry Upside Down Cake

Sluggish Cooker Baked Apples

Blueberry Peach Crisp

Mango Tumeric Lassi Popsicles 

When you like this recipe, please remember to remark and provides it a 5 megastar ranking beneath. If you’re making it, proportion it on Instagram and tag me @karalydonrd and I’ll re-share it with my fans! If you wish to save this recipe for later, remember to pin it on Pinterest!

Don’t ever omit a recipe! Signal as much as obtain my per month e-newsletter with a round-up of recipes from the former month and get my FREE information while you enroll: Rediscover the Pleasure in Consuming: 5 Easy Steps to Forestall Stressing Over Meals + Experience Each and every Chew


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The very best summer time and fall dessert, this blueberry apple crisp is made with contemporary fruit and a crispy, buttery oat brown sugar topping. Serve heat with vanilla ice cream for without equal deal with!

  • 3 cups blueberries
  • 3 cups peeled and chopped apples (from about 3 medium apples)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon + 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, divided
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) salted butter, melted

  1. Preheat oven to 350 levels F. Grease a 9Ă—9 or 11Ă—7 baking dish.
  2. In a big blending bowl, upload blueberries, apples, sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice, vanilla and cinnamon and stir to mix.
  3. In a medium blending bowl, stir in combination oats, flour, brown sugar and salt. Drizzle the melted butter over the oat aggregate and stir to mix.
  4. Pour fruit aggregate into baking dish and scatter the oat topping flippantly over the fruit, leaving massive clumps intact.
  5. Bake till the fruit juices are effervescent and the topping is golden and company to touch, about 45-55 mins.
  6. Let cool on a cord rack for a minimum of quarter-hour sooner than serving.


  1. Leftovers will also be saved within the fridge for as much as 4-5 days.
  2. The most productive apple sorts for crisps grasp up smartly and stay their construction underneath warmth. A few of my favorites to bake with are: Golden Scrumptious, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, McIntosh, and Fuji.

  • Prep Time: 25 mins
  • Cook dinner Time: 50 mins
  • Class: Dessert
  • Manner: Bake
  • Delicacies: American



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