Home Healthy Food Frozen Lemonade – A Couple Chefs

Frozen Lemonade – A Couple Chefs

Frozen Lemonade – A Couple Chefs


Beat the warmth with this refreshing and simple frozen lemonade recipe! This zingy do-it-yourself deal with is made 3 easy elements and will also be custom designed in your liking.

Frozen Lemonade

When the elements begins to get hotter, we’re all about something: summer season beverages! Alex and I’ve learned through the years that we’ve got a significant interest for a signature drink, be it cocktails, espresso, tea, or lemonade. Each second is best with a drink in hand!

Why we like this recipe: This frozen lemonade is without equal tangy and refreshing drink! The burst of icy, citrusy taste will make you soften. Even higher, you don’t have to attend hours for anything else to freeze: simply whip it up with 3 elements on call for in a blender! Our youngsters can not get sufficient of those.

“The frozen lemonade is successful! My children adore it. They are saying it’s easiest, and I feel it’s nice too. I added a twig of mint to mine and it’s very refreshing.” -Tanvee

Components in frozen lemonade

There are simply 3 elements in frozen lemonade: and two for those who don’t depend ice! Right here’s what you’ll want to have readily available:

  • Contemporary lemon juice: Make sure you use actual, recent squeezed citrus juice for this recipe. Bottled juice doesn’t have the freshness in taste. No substitutions right here!
  • Sugar: We adore granulated sugar right here for its skill to steadiness the acidity of the lemon with out watering down the drink. You’ll be able to replace an equivalent quantity of agave syrup, honey, or maple syrup if desired.
Juiced lemons

Pointers for juicing lemons

What’s one of the best ways to juice lemons? We adore the use of a press juicer, which is helping to simply extract juice whilst saving out the pulp and seeds. It additionally is helping to save lots of your palms from the hassle of compacting!

You’ll be able to additionally use any form of juicer you have got readily available (and just a little elbow grease). It takes some time to squeeze out the juice particularly for those who’re doubling the recipe, but it surely’s price it!

A be aware on serving dimension

The serving dimension for this frozen lemonade recipe is two small servings. The {photograph} presentations two servings in a single mug, so we’d counsel serving it in a smaller glass or cup! Double the elements as vital to make extra servings!

Make forward tip

This frozen lemonade is perfect proper after mixing it, to stay that frosty, slushie texture (it turns into very onerous if frozen in a single day). To make frozen lemonade prematurely, juice the lemons and stir within the sugar: shop it in a refrigerated container for as much as 1 day. The day of serving, mix up the lemonade with ice. 

Permutations on lemonade recipes

Frozen lemonade is the very best summer season drink! There are such a large amount of amusing tactics to riff on the idea that: we like this frozen model, however you’ll be able to combine up such a lot of amusing permutations. Listed below are a couple of of our best lemonade recipes:

Nutritional notes

This frozen lemonade recipe is vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, gluten-free, and dairy-free.

Ceaselessly requested questions

Can I take advantage of store-bought lemonade?

Sure, however for the most efficient taste, we suggest making your personal lemonade base. It’s simple and you’ll be able to keep an eye on the beauty stage.

Can I upload alcohol to frozen lemonade?

Completely! Vodka, rum, or tequila, all pair neatly. Upload your spirit of selection as soon as the lemonade is mixed.

How lengthy can I shop frozen lemonade?

To make frozen lemonade prematurely, juice the lemons and stir within the sugar: shop it in a refrigerated container for as much as 1 day. The day of serving, mix up the lemonade with ice. 

What are some amusing tactics to serve frozen lemonade?

Get ingenious! Take a look at garnishing with recent fruit or herbs (like mint or basil).

Is frozen lemonade a wholesome deal with?

Whilst it does comprise herbal fruit juice, it may be prime in sugar. Revel in it moderately as a part of a balanced vitamin.


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Beat the warmth with this refreshing and simple frozen lemonade recipe! This zingy do-it-yourself deal with is made 3 easy elements and will also be custom designed in your liking.

  • ⅓ cup granulated sugar*
  • 2/3 cup recent lemon juice (about 3 medium lemons)
  • 2 cups ice cubes

  1. In a blender, mix the sugar and the recent lemon juice. Mix on low pace till the sugar is dissolved, about 10 to fifteen seconds.
  2. Upload the ice cubes to the blender with the lemon juice and sugar combination.
  3. Mix on low to medium pace till the ice is totally beaten and the mix is clean, about 30 to 45 seconds. If wanted, prevent the blender and use a spatula to scrape down the perimeters, then proceed mixing till the specified consistency is reached. If vital, upload a couple of tablespoons chilly water to get it to mix. 
  4. Pour the frozen lemonade into a tumbler and serve right away, garnished with a lemon slice or mint sprig, if desired.**


*The serving dimension is two small servings. The {photograph} presentations two servings in a single mug. Double the elements as vital. 

**To make frozen lemonade prematurely, juice the lemons and stir within the sugar: shop it in a refrigerated container for as much as 1 day. The day of serving, mix up the lemonade with ice. 

  • Class: Drink
  • Approach: Frozen
  • Delicacies: Drink
  • Nutrition: Vegetarian



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