Home Yoga Utthita Trikonasana Steps, Advantages, and Precautions

Utthita Trikonasana Steps, Advantages, and Precautions

Utthita Trikonasana Steps, Advantages, and Precautions


Utthita Trikonasana (Prolonged Triangle Pose) Steps

1)- First, take the placement of Tadasana with an exhalation. Step your ft 3 to 4 ft aside.

2)- Your proper leg will have to be about 90 levels to the fitting and switch your left leg about 45 levels to the fitting.

3)- Now lift your hands parallel to the ground and actively achieve them to the perimeters, shoulders large and hands down.

4)- Tighten your thighs and switch your proper thigh out in order that the middle of the fitting knee cap is in step with the middle of the fitting ankle.

5)- Then exhale and prolong your torso immediately onto the ground of your proper leg, bending on the hip joint, no longer the waist.

6)- Then exhale and produce your torso immediately over your proper leg and position your proper hand on best of the leg, ensuring you bend from the hip joint, no longer the waist.

7)- Now, in the similar method, conserving each the perimeters similarly lengthy, rotate the torso to the left.

8)- Now deliver the left hip ahead slightly and prolong the tailbone backward in opposition to the heel.

9)- Now relaxation your proper hand for your shin and ankle. Take into accout, the perimeters of the torso aren’t to distorting.

10)- Your head will have to be grew to become to the left and your head will have to be in a impartial place.

11)- Glance slowly on the thumb of the left hand along with your eyes.

12)- You’ll be able to keep on this place for 30 seconds to 45 seconds and will do it for some other 1 minute.

13)- Now inhale to come back up, and stand similarly at the ground.

14)- Now opposite your legs and repeat in the similar series at the left facet for a similar length.



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